The schedule is already published. To view the talks by topics click on a topic below:
- High-Loaded
- Voice Interfaces / Natural lang. processing
- DevOps
- Cloud
- Embedded, Low-level
- Software Testing
- Security
- Programming / Tools
- IoT
- System Analysis / Requirements
- Business
- Software Architecture
- VR, AR
- Knowledge Management
- AI, Intelligent Apps/Things
- Blockchain
- Data Science, Big Data
- Project/Product Management
- Open Source
- Cont. Prof. Development
- No topic
Discussion. Trends and prospects of the Russian software development industry based on the results of 2019 RUSSOFT research
Valentin Makarov
- Business
ENGThe open source, functional programming platform flow
Asger Alstrup Palm 🎦
- Programming / Tools
- Open Source
ENGTrends and Opportunities in the global Software and IT Services industry
Eugen Schwab-Chesaru 🎦
teknowlogy Group
- Business
State of the art in automatic program analysis research and development
Alexander Gerasimov
- Software Testing
Knowledge Management in acquisition department of with the growth of the team from 10 to 150 and the path from the Confluence to Neo4j
Alexander Polomodov
- Project/Product Management
- Knowledge Management
Qubit – the basis of modern information technology. Myths and reality of quantum computing
Vladimir Litoshenko
First Line Software
- Programming / Tools
Code analysis: how to prevent your system from being hacked
Alexey Zhukov
Positive Development User Group (PDUG)
- Security
- Software Testing
Master-class. Pulse Management – how to manage organization
Alexey Vasilyev
- Business
ENGMultinationals fostering the growth of the tech startups and the challenges of nowadays world
Pascale Xelot
- Business
Experience of using Atlassian Confluence in corporate knowledge management
Dmitry Proskurin
- Knowledge Management
ENGAgile Software Development Automated by Blockchain Smart Contracts
Michele Marchesi
University of Cagliari
- Blockchain
- Project/Product Management
Master-class. “Reference design” as a tool to improve communications and establish trust between different stakeholders in the process of creating and protecting the architecture of software solutions.
Gennadiy Kruglov
- High-Loaded
- Software Architecture
Analysis of dynamical queue scheduling algorithm with service loop duration restriction for network switches
Andrey Semenov
Penza State University
- High-Loaded
Computer vision is not only about neural networks
Tatiana Eliseeva
Computer Vision Systems
- AI, Intelligent Apps/Things
How we tried the newest advice from Jeff Sutherland to improve development speed in 4 times
Anatoly Ivanov
- Project/Product Management
Microservice architectures as systems engineering practice
Roman Tsirulnikov
- Software Architecture
“Cloud” quest for first-year students as a tool to improve the effectiveness of the university by collecting and analyzing primary data about students
Pavel Kozlovskii
Scientific laboratory of Strategic development of engineering markets Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University
- Data Science, Big Data
- Knowledge Management
Methodology of Modeling Quantum Algorithms, Systems and Prevention / Elimination of Quantum Errors
Viktor Potapov
Southern Federal University
- Programming / Tools
mPyPl: Python Monadic Pipeline Library for Complex Functional Data Processing
Dmitri Soshnikov
- Programming / Tools
- Data Science, Big Data
The development of financial risks estimating system based on crucial risk factors stochastic modelling by Monte-Carlo method
Victor Vetkin
First Line Software
- Business
How to use the bot assistant for make relation between corporative messenger, knowledge base, task-tracker and make the everyday team more bright
Tatiana Bunto
- Project/Product Management
- Knowledge Management
About development of virtual assistant prototype for citizens of smart city
Evgeniy Lipkin
ITMO University
- System Analysis / Requirements
ENGHow to apply AI to software testing
Dr. Jeremias Rößler 🎦
- AI, Intelligent Apps/Things
- Software Testing
Approach to Big Data Analysis in Cybersecurity
Nadezhda Kusakina
Samara State Technical University
- Data Science, Big Data
Using Azure Front Door to deliver fast, scalable and secure web applications
Stamo Petkov 🎦
Information Services
- Programming / Tools
- Cloud
The Systematization of User Experience Research Procedures
Anton Grigoryev
Southern Federal University
Generalized Theory of Process Trees Reconstruction: Fixing Pitfalls of Checkpoint-Restore
Nikolay Efanov
- Programming / Tools
Why mindmaps are not easy to design: cognitive traps and mistakes
Tatiana Gavrilova
- Knowledge Management
ENGProgramming in role oriented concurrent contexts with ROCOCO
Cevat Balek
İstanbul Technical University
- Programming / Tools
Determining of the emotional state of a person using computer analysis of sound wave parameters
Alexander Shkaraputa
Perm State University
- Voice Interfaces / Natural lang. processing
Master-class. ZOO or how several teams can organize one product development effectively
Svetlana Bolsunovskaia
- Project/Product Management
Experience of Designing Complex Corporate User Interface
Roman Spiridonov
Business Information System «NARABOTE»
Trends in the development of computing nodes of modern supercomputers (architecture and infrastructure)
Igor Odintsov 🎦
- Embedded, Low-level
CFL-Reachability Based Framework for Interprocedural Static Code Analysis Development
Ilya Nozhkin
- Programming / Tools
Professional analyst skills for and against team visions
Anna Penkina
- System Analysis / Requirements
What is true open source (and why there is it less of it than you think)
Dmitriy Pavlov 🎦
Apache Software Foundation
- Open Source
Towards Energy Profiling of Multi-Threading Android Applications
Stanislav Sartasov
- Programming / Tools
Automated Analysis of Testing Reports using Machine Learning Techniques
Murad Mamedov
- AI, Intelligent Apps/Things
- Software Testing
ENGSelf-driving cars: Why it is more complicated than it seemed
Vadim Vashkelis 🎦
EPAM Systems
- AI, Intelligent Apps/Things
The modified genetic algorithm for the algorithms’ compositions formation that improve gradient images
Alexander Lopatin
State Educational Institution of Higher Education of Moscow Region “State University of Humanities and Social Studies”
- Programming / Tools
Raising quality of software development by data mining of defect reports
Anna Gromova
- Software Testing
Effect of mindfulness on improving performance of software development
Vitaly Volobuev
Innopolis University
Ways to automatically search for potential experts on social networks
Evgeniy Lipkin
ITMO University
- Data Science, Big Data
Data protection after the advent of a quantum computer – post-quantum cryptography
Alexey Fedorov
QApp / Russian Quantum Center
- Security
Automated Generation of Quantum Circuit Specifications Based on Reed-Muller Expressions
Vitaly Kalmychkov
Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI”
- Programming / Tools
How to organize continuous education as part of work process
Ekaterina Stepalina
- Cont. Prof. Development
From monolith to microservices. Rebuilding Leroy Merlin Russia Publication System.
Pavel Yurkin
Leroy Merlin
- Software Architecture
Maximum security: how to write reliable C/C++ code for embedded systems
George Gribkov
- Embedded, Low-level
How growing IT company and HR manager can find each other and grow together
Maxim Frolov
- Business
Internship in an IT company: how to organize it and get the maximum efficiency with the minimum cost
Olga Savchenko
- Cont. Prof. Development
Automated Method for Collecting Optimal Set of Log Files for Crash Reports
Denis Silakov
- AI, Intelligent Apps/Things
Creation of digital twins of robotic productions and innovative offline programming of robots in paradigm of Industry 4.0
Alexey Korablev 🎦
Concern R-Pro / Creonomyca Cluster
- AI, Intelligent Apps/Things
- IoT
The electroencephalogram based classification of internally pronounced phonemes
Daniel Saada
Lomonosov Moscow State University
License plate recognition system from scratch: creation experience from theory to working prototype
Yury Yakhno
- AI, Intelligent Apps/Things
- Data Science, Big Data
Hello! I am Aurigor and I am a Bot
Mikhail Chkalov
- AI, Intelligent Apps/Things
- Voice Interfaces / Natural lang. processing
- Knowledge Management
Catching business value from the test cases ocean. How BA helps QA to make light and valuable test suites
Konstantin Semenov
EPAM Systems
- Software Testing
- System Analysis / Requirements
Programming Academy: from courses to corporate university
Sergey Poluektov
- Cont. Prof. Development
Development of the Automatic Text Analysis Framework for the Russian Language and its Application for Software Tools
Ekaterina Politsyna
Moscow Aviation Institute
- Programming / Tools
- Voice Interfaces / Natural lang. processing
Unity engine application functional testing automation based on native tools
Oleg Bedrin
KFU Higher School ITIS
- Software Testing
Expansion to Chinese market: case study
Evgenia Mikhalchuk
Flex Databases
- Project/Product Management
- Business
Knowledge Management in IT. Overview of goals, objections and knowledge worker’s tools
Rodion Nagornov 🎦
- Knowledge Management
ENGEverything you need to know about getting people engaged
Scott Gould 🎦
- Project/Product Management
- Business
Intercultural communication. Instructions for use
Alexey Kuksenok
DataArt, ITBizRadio,
- Project/Product Management
- Business
Emotional intelligence in the job of System analyst
Oleg Voronov 🎦
VTB Bank
- System Analysis / Requirements
Introduction to Big Data. Overview for the Apache Hadoop ecosystem with examples of storing, processing and analyzing large volumes of data
Mikhail Belov
Dubna State University
- Data Science, Big Data
Parcelling of responsibility zones in the team and project roles
Vasiliy Moiseev
- Project/Product Management
Working on long-term projects: resource planning, work acceleration, KPI and customer happiness.
Oleg Gromov
- Project/Product Management
- Business
D2PL programming language and compiler for a clustered massively parallel virtual machine
Alexandre Prozoroff
- Programming / Tools
- Software Architecture
Everything you wanted to know about Software Developers insurance but were shy to ask
Vladimir Kremer
- Business
Benchmarking collections of scientific journals
Fedor Krasnov
Gazpromneft STC
- Voice Interfaces / Natural lang. processing
VR & HR: How new technologies affect the employees’ performance and happiness
Alexander Kirsanov
- Business
Mass scoring in CRM – secrets and pitfalls
Aleksandr Serbul 🎦
- Programming / Tools
- Data Science, Big Data
Integration test automation in a microservice application with minimum code
Dmitry Volochaev
- DevOps
- Software Testing
Technology platform 1C:Enterprise as an example of domain-driven design (DDD) approach in creating software for business automation
Peter Gribanov
- Programming / Tools
- System Analysis / Requirements
- Software Architecture