Asger Alstrup Palm
Co-founder and Chief technology officer, Area9
Asger Palm has a background in computer science from DIKU, Copenhagen, and is the co-founder of Area9. He has been translating computer science and learning science from cutting edge academic environments to solutions that address real commercially viable learning needs since 1998. He is currently the Chief technology officer of Area9 where he heads a 100+ people high-performance development team that builds a fourth generation, personalized learning platform to help address learning challenges in schools, colleges and industry across the globe.
The open source, functional programming platform flow
- Programming / Tools
- Open Source
November 14, 10:00
Room I|I зал
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Flow is a programming language and platform that we’ve been developing over many years. It’s a functional language. In the talk I’ll be giving an introduction to Flow, the runtime, the UI library. I will show some of the benefits that this language can give. The key point is that even though Flow is just one of programming languages, the way of thinking that we do in this language is generally applicable. I will demonstrate how you can think about, how to structure your application using some of the principles that we use, as they can be applied in many other programming platforms as well.