Agile Software Development Automated by Blockchain Smart Contracts
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- Project/Product Management
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15 ноября, 15:45
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In this work we produced a prototype of framework where Scrum Agile Development is enhanced and automated by Smart Contracts deployed on an Ethereum blockchain testnet.
Product Owner duties are relieved and automated by the Solidity code into the Smart contracts.
Process workflow is transparent, fully recorded and accessible to authorized actors on the blockchain.

Микеле Маркези
Профессор, Университет Кальяри
Professor, Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Cagliari.
Michele Marchesi graduated in electronic engineering and mathematics from the University of Genoa. He is professor of Software Engineering at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Cagliari.
His research interests include agile methods of software application development, software metrics, social networks, modeling and simulation of the software process, and of economic and financial systems, blockchain technology and Smart Contracts.
He is author of over 300 international publications on these topics, which have about 8500 citations (source: Google Scholar). He collaborates with many universities, including Genoa, Brunel University of London, Madrid Polytechnic University, Auckland University, Tsinghua University in Beijing. He was and is the coordinator of several international and domestic research projects.
He is a founding member of two spinoff firms working in software production and blockchain development.